Ever since the death of George Floyd in May of 2020, policing has been in the spotlight, and there have been calls for the profession to change its practices and policies.

But Republicans and Democrats remain far apart on police reform, with conservatives pushing for more police funding while Democrats have advocated for increased officer accountability.

The increased scrutiny of law enforcement across the country has had an impact. Last year, police departments across the country reported officers resigning in unprecedented numbers, creating widespread vacancies and recruitment issues that spiraled into a major public safety concern.

Before Congressman PeteĀ Stauber (R-MN) was on Capitol Hill, he was a police officer laying his life on the line to protect his community. With a unique perspective as a former law enforcement officer and now legislator, Rep. Stauber recently joined the Rundown’s Lisa Brady to discuss the state of his old profession and how best to address America’s crime crisis.

Due to time limitations, we could not include our entire conversations in the FOX News Rundown segment that ran this week. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear the complete interview with former police officer Congressman PeteĀ Stauber.