Gatestone Institute senior fellow Gordan Chang joins Fox Across America With guest host Harry Hurley to sound the alarm on the close relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“These are two hard line states getting together. They don’t respect the U.S.. When Xi Jinping was bidding farewell to Vladimir Putin on the 22nd of last month, that was in Moscow, the Chinese leader said to his Russian counterpart, quote, change is coming that hasn’t happened in a hundred years. And you and I are driving this change together. And really what they’re saying is that Xi Jinping is now the boss of the world in his own view and that the United States is no longer a factor. Now, I’m not saying Xi Jinping’s assessment is correct. It’s not. But it doesn’t matter whether his assessment is incorrect. What’s important is what he thinks, because that’s what’s going to drive his behavior. And right now, he’s extremely aggressive and belligerent. And that’s in part because of Biden’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan and other disasters that Biden has caused.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say to Harry!