White House Begs Saudi Arabia-Again 

JOE BIDEN- the man who CANCELED the Keystone XL Pipeline on day 1 in office has been CAUGHT asking Saudi Arabia to postpone oil cuts till after the midterms.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Gas prices are crushing Americans right, left and center and our president should be working to bring them down for the sake of the people- not for the sake of his party’s political vulnerability- but that’s exactly what JOE BIDEN was caught doing.

This week the White House ADMITTED to asking Saudi Arabia to delay the
OPEC+ vote to cut oil production until AFTER the November midterms.

Wow. Just wow.

And this isn’t the first time the Brandon Administration has been at the mercy of Saudi Arabia. Let’s not forget that just a few months back Joe went to Saudi Arabia, fist-bumped the crown price and all but begged the kingdom to increase oil production.

Boy, I guess it never occurred to these Democrats that perhaps instead of bowing to foreign and often hostile nations to bring down fuel prices isn’t the only option.

We COULD and SHOULD be INCREASING domestic production, but instead Biden and the green-hair environmentalists have been doing everything in their power to tamp down on it!

This administration is a national and global embarrassment. Everything they do is about gaining and maintaining power, they don’t give a HOOT about the plight of the American people.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at Foxnewscommentary.com