Triggered by Avatar

“Avatar: Way of Water” isn’t doing so hot at the box office and meanwhile, it’s ticking off even the woke!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

The latest installment in the Avatar series “Way of Water” reportedly cost Disney $350 million to make but according to its director James Cameron, the flick would need to take in more than $2 billion to break even.

But that seems highly unlikely, not only because it made less than expected in its opening weekend, by a lot, but because even the Liberals are triggered by it.

The whole premise of the Avatar series is to be woke, environmental and pro-indigenous habitats which is great for those who like that kind of crap except..even they/them didn’t like it.

Apparently white actors made to look like blue alien people are appropriating indigenous culture. I guess James Cameron couldn’t find any 9-foot-tall blue people to fill the role, what a RACIST!

This just goes to show that even when the Libs of Hollywood try to be woke they still fail to be woke enough to appease green-hair culture. And personally, I think the film is too long, too weird and you couldn’t pay me to watch it anyway. I’d rather watch soccer, which by the way, thank God that is over!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at