Tom Homan: Morale Is In The Toilet For Border Patrol Agents Right Now

Former acting ICE director Tom Homan joins Fox Across America With guest host Rich Zeoli to shed light on how the Biden administration’s weak and ineffective immigration policies have impacted Border Patrol agents and their ability to enforce the law.

“I’ve talked to hundreds of them. About two months ago, I was down in Brooks County, Texas. I was coming to a checkpoint with a production team and a guy on the lane recognized me. He asked me to go into the stationĀ  during a shift change. He said, would you go in the station, talk to guys and pep them up a bit? I went in there and talked to maybe about 60, 70 guys and their morale is nonexistent. They feel like they’ve been abandoned by the president. They feel like they’ve been abandoned by the Secretary who to this day will say the border’s secure. And I just told them, I said look guys, hang on. Hang on. You know, this country’s got you back. In two years, we’ll get you back to work and we’ll do the right thing. A pendulum swings right and left, but I’ve never seen a pendulum swing so far to the left that it’s just off the table.”

Plus, Tom shares his thoughts on the White House allowing Title 42 to expire. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!