The president had his say and will say more on Letterman now its time for our response. Not just my turn but your turn as well. I can’t believe out of all the interviews it was ABC who asked the toughest questions. The key to interviewing the president is not allowing him to drone on and jumping in with responses and follow ups and his normal response is wait a minute look at what O’Reilly did. Its the only way to push him and getting more then 5 questions in.
He has an agenda and will segue to it at the smallest opening for example when asked about Health plans or war plans. He is currently trying to weaken our resolve for winning in Afghanistan by indicating he might not go along with his Generals. Whaat? A 47 year old state senator turned 2 yr US Senator now will tell us what it will take to go forward in Afghanistan? Why did he ask McCrystal to come up with war plan if he wasn’t going to go with it? If it was me I would resign and let someone else lose this conflict. I say its a lock we will be back there in 5 years only not by choice.