Karoline Leavitt: We Need To Tackle The Opioid Crisis That’s Crippling New Hampshire

Republican candidate for Congress in New Hampshire’s 1st district Karoline Leavitt joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why combating the fentanyl crisis in the Granite State is one of the signature issues of her campaign.

“I did a ride along a couple of weeks ago with the city of Manchester PD. It’s our state’s largest city. They’ve seen a 50 percent increase on meth and opioid overdoses in the past year. As the officer who I was riding along with told me, he’s responding to anywhere from three to five overdose calls every single day. That one officer from one department responding to five overdoses a day. Can you imagine that? And so this is plaguing our communities. These drugs are poisoning our communities. Our law enforcement are understaffed, they’re underpaid. They’re retiring at record rates because they are afraid of this national war on our police that’s been waged by the Democrats. So we need to stand for law enforcement first and foremost, ensure they have the resources on the ground to deal with taking these drugs off of our streets. And we also need to see greater resources aimed at treatment. We lack mental health beds in our state. We’re like 20,000 beds short. And it’s a real crisis. People are having to fly around the country to receive the care that they need. So these are issues I plan to get to work on day one.”

Karoline also tells Jimmy about how black coffee has been helping her keep a high energy level throughout this critical campaign. Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say!