Bikini Baristas Win in Court

Bikini-clad baristas in Washington state will NOT have to cover up for work after winning their case in federal court!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

A federal judge has ruled in favor of bikini baristas in Washington state meaning they will NOT be required to adhere to a dress code ordinance that quick service workers cover the upper and lower body.

The U.S. District Court in Seattle ruled the ordinance unconstitutional under the equal protection clause because it unfairly discriminated against females.

The Hillbilly Hotties of Everett, Washington will now be free to wear their bikinis is constitutional, America-loving peace!

This may seem like a small victory, but it’s a victory nonetheless. I’m not feminist, but if employees and customers alike voluntarily decide coffee with a side of string bikini is what they want, they by goodness they should be free to enjoy it!

After all, if men can dress as drag queens for public library story hour, why the heck should baristas be shamed for wearing bikinis to work?!

Good bless America!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at