Senator Ted Cruz: Going On ‘The View’ Was An Attempt To Reach The People Being Lied To By Corporate Media

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to discuss his recent viral appearance on ABC’s “The View”, and why he believes more conservatives need to branch out and have conversations with people who disagree with them politically.

“We need to talk to young people and Hispanics and African-Americans. We need to talk to suburban moms who are getting hammered by the disastrous policies we have right now, but are also getting lied to by the corporate media. And there are millions of people who watch ‘The View’, many of them suburban moms, who are just hearing constant partisan propaganda. So, for example, on exactly this this topic, ‘The View’ hosts were demanding of me, won’t you admit that Joe Biden was legitimately elected president, fair and square? There was no voter fraud at all. I was like, no, I won’t admit that. Voter fraud is a real issue. It’s a significant issue. And I said, how come you never asked Democrats to do that? And I said, Hillary Clinton sat on this show and said Donald Trump was illegitimately elected and stole the election and you guys agreed with him. Stacey Abrams sat on this show and said the governor of Georgia was illegitimately elected, he stole the election, and you guys agreed with him. And Whoopi Goldberg chimes in and said, well they were, that was right. I said, oh, so it’s illegitimate when a Republican wins, but it’s perfectly legitimate when a Democrat wins, and they’re like, yes. I mean, they admitted it.”

Plus, Senator Cruz sheds light on how the Department of Justice has been weaponized by the Obama and Biden administrations, something he writes about extensively in the new book, Justice Corrupted: How the Left Weaponized Our Legal System.

Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!