Extra: What At Stake In The “Country’s Most Expensive House Race”

The midterms are just over two weeks away. With control of the House at stake, there has been a lot of focus on key toss-up Congressional races including Michigan’s 7th District. In fact, the highly-watched contest is bringing in big bucks and has been called the “country’s most expensive House race.”

Incumbent Democrat Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin is trying to win her third term against Republican Michigan State Senator Tom Barrett in what is a very tight race.

Recently on the FOX News Rundown, host Jessica Rosenthal spoke to both candidates separately about their campaigns and how they hoped to win voters over in the closing weeks.

Both candidates agreed how important a win would be for their parties, but not much else. Neither candidate hesitated to go after the other and defend their own positions on issues like inflation, abortion, and foreign policy.

Because of time limitations, we only played a small portion of each interview. On the FOX News Rundown, you will be able to hear our complete interviews with both Rep. Slotkin and Tom Barrett.