Pumpkin Prices Up

Everything is on the rise in Biden’s America, including the price of a popular Autumn staple.

I’m Tomi Lahren, find out next.

Everything is soaring in Biden’s America: gas prices, crime, international embarrassment and likely, your blood pressure.

But let’s add “pumpkin prices” to that long list.

Yep, due to inflation and drought conditions, the price of your jack-o’-lanterns is up over 0.75 cents from last year with the average price of a large one costing $5.68

Now that might not seem like a lot, it might even sound affordable…unless you take into account how much more you’re spending on everything else this year.

According to PayPal data, Halloween candy will be about 34% more expensive this year and you might not even be able to find the sweets you’re looking for due to the supply chain never-ending crisis and the worker shortage fueled by pandemic-era extended unemployment and incentivized laziness…

Inflation sits at just over 8.25% right now so expect all of your holidays to be more expensive this year.

Kinda takes the joy out of celebrating when you have to break the bank to give your family the bare minimum.

In Biden’s America- Halloween is nothing compared to the zombie living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at Foxnewscommentary.com