Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY): Putin Underestimated The Fighting Capacity Of The People Of Ukraine

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Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss his recent trip to war-torn Ukraine with fellow Republican senators in a show of support for the people of Ukraine.

Senator Barrasso called out Biden’s weak leadership on Ukraine by saying,

“Well, we felt we needed to go and show Zelenskiy there is bipartisan support in the United States to do what he is doing. I believe he can win, though. The Republicans have been saying that long before the Democrats ever did. In so many ways, Joe Biden had to come along pushing and screaming as we actually had bipartisan groups in the Senate, in the House to say, you got to do more, Mr. President.”

Senator Barrasso added,

“Putin miscalculated terribly. He had the whole thing wrong. He overestimated his own military’s ability. He thought this was going to be done in four days. He underestimated the willpower, the fighting capacity of the people of Ukraine. You know, they ran to they didn’t run out of the country. They ran to the sound of the guns.”