Lisa Boothe: The Democratic Party’s Strategy For The Midterms Is Just Alienating More Voters

Fox News contributor Lisa Boothe joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain how Democrats are only further alienating independents, and even some voters in their own party, by supporting far-Left positions such as teaching gender identity issues to young children.

 ”I think what they’re realizing is there’s a massive enthusiasm gap between Republicans and Democrats about who’s fired up about the midterms. So they’re trying to gin up and charge up their base. But while doing it, they’re alienating independents. They’re alienating even some Democrats. And again, with the Florida bill, what actual person that is not crazy wants any teacher talking about any of these things with five-year old’s, right? There’s just no business, if I was a teacher, I wouldn’t be talking about that stuff with kids. Just focus on learning, right? I think most people are like, this is insane. This should not be happening in school. Yet, Democrats are pounding away on it because they’re trying to fire up their base. But in the process, they’re alienating everyone else. And so I just think they’re really between a rock and a hard place heading into the midterms, desperately trying to do something to fire up their team. And it’s just not going to work.”

Plus, Lisa tells Jimmy why she believes mainstream media outlets are finally starting to cover the Hunter Biden laptop story. Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say!