Russia Tensions: Should U.S. Act First?

Amid international concerns of a Russian invasion, President Vladimir Putin now says Russia is offering proposals to negotiate security with Ukraine in an attempt to avoid war. In addition to their words, Russia has also shown videos that appear to display the removal of troops and weapons from Ukraine. Despite their claims, it is now estimated that Russia has now sent 150,000 troops to the Ukraine border. US officials say that this could be part of Russia’s plan to create a false pretext to launch an invasion. Texas Congressman and Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee Michael McCaul joins the Rundown to discuss the urgent need for sanctions, the future of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and how the Olympics affect the predicted timeline for an invasion.

As inflation levels soar at a rate the U.S. hasn’t seen for nearly 40 years, many Americans are realizing that their weekly trip to the grocery store is leaving them with little money left in their pockets. As consumers are struggling to find affordable ways to feed their families, the farmers working to stock food on shelves are also suffering the consequences of inflation. North Carolina Farmer Brooks Barnes joins the Rundown to discuss how inflation has made farming increasingly difficult, what produce Americans may be seeing more or less of on shelves, and what solution he hopes farmers can find to win their fight against inflation.

Plus, commentary by Gordon Chang, author of “The Coming Collapse of China.”