Living On The Edge Of War In Kyiv

Tensions were high during Monday’s United Nations Security Council meeting as the United States and Russia clashed over the current crisis in Ukraine.  U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield expressed concerns of a possible Russian invasion, and Russia fought back with claims suggesting the US wants a war.  After returning from Kyiv, Fox News Radio foreign correspondent Simon Owen joins the Rundown to talk about how Ukrainians are handling the ongoing threats from Russia, the economic impact the crisis has had on the country, and precautions Ukrainian citizens must take in the event of an emergency.

American workers are still in short supply, despite the Biden administration touting a December jobs report showing the unemployment rate dropped to 3.9%. How can unemployment be so low while American labor is sparse? Moody Analytics Chief Economist Mark Zandi joins to explain how the unemployment rates reaching lows must be put into context of the depressed labor force participation and he breaks down how the pandemic, sharp increases in retirement rates, and decreased immigration are contributing to a drop in labor participation.

Plus, commentary by member of former President Trump’s economic recovery task force, Stephen Moore.