Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX): Biden Doesn’t Know What He Believes

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Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) joined the Guy Benson Show to assess President Biden’s first year in office and his recent eyebrow raising press conference.

Rep. Crenshaw gave his assessment of Biden first year saying,

“Well, it’s just it, like most Americans assess it, and it’s not going well. You know, they gave this press conference here honestly just shouldn’t give press conferences. He doesn’t look well. He’s not able to answer these questions with with any kind of authority that gives the American people confidence. And there’s there’s just been a long list of failures that’s extremely hard to defend. And what’s even more frustrating is he gives himself a pretty good grade, as he says, but about 40 percent of Americans would give him a failing grade.”

Rep. Crenshaw further blasted Biden’s first year job performance saying,

“I think he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I don’t think he knows what he really believes. I don’t think this man has very secure foundations or principles that will drive his thinking. You know, it’s difficult to know what, what, what he values, what his framework is for solving problems.”