Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY): Sexual Harassment Complains “Only Compounded The Need” For Cuomo To Go

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), who had been calling for Gov. Andrew Cuomo resignation for months after the nursing home scandal, said the sexual harassment claims against how only strengthened the case for him to go.

“I think obviously it was not only offensive to Italian-Americans, but it was offensive to the women. He was basically just trying to belittle them and certainly their concerns there, the harassment that they had to endure. But I would say this, the sexual harassment stuff only exacerbated the need for Governor Cuomo to resign. I had been calling for his resignation since February because of the way he’s mishandled the nursing homes, putting COVID-positive patients in the nursing homes, even when they were alternative set up like the U.S. Navy Comfort ship that President Trump had sent to New York Harbor in the Javits Center. These facilities were set up specifically for COVID-positive patients, and they weren’t being utilized at the capacity that they should have been. And that is really what’s at issue here. That plus the cover up, which his own chief of staff admitted to. But they were not being honest about the nursing home deaths because they were afraid of the Department of Justice. And so that’s the reason why Governor Cuomo had to go. And then the sexual harassment has only compounded it. For months I’ve been saying he’s going to go either by resignation, a criminal conviction or at the ballot box. And now we know it’s resignation.”