FOX News Rundown Extra: Is Space Tourism About To Take Off?

Is space tourism about to take off?

Billionaires Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos are about to board their companies spaceships and head in to space.

Both hope their new ventures will kick off a new era in space travel and allow citizens – who can afford it – to see the earth from above.

Earlier this week, host Chris Foster spoke with former NASA astronaut Mike Massimino to discuss space tourism and whether it will be both safe and worth its high ticket price.

Massimino also discusses the future of our America’s space program and how long before a vacation in the stars will be affordable to those who are not billionaires or millionaires.

The interview was too long and we could not include all of it in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear our entire unedited conversation with former NASA astronaut Mike Massimino.