Glenn Youngkin Slams Liberal Opponent Terry McAuliffe For Calling Critical Race Theory Concerns A ‘Right-Wing Conspiracy’

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Glenn Youngkin, former CEO at the Carlyle Group & Virginia’s GOP Gubernatorial nominee joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to react to his opponent Terry McAuliffe’s dismissal of concerns over critical race theory as a right-wing conspiracy.

Glenn Youngkin slammed McAuliffe’s dismissal of critical race theory by saying,

“You know, Guy, this is this is not a Republican Democrat issue. I mean, our schools are in a state of chaos. And thank goodness for parents and teachers who are willing to stand up for kids because the politicians in Virginia certainly are not. You know, we have this left liberal progressive philosophy that is led by Terry McAuliffe, who can’t even begin to defend teaching critical race theory. Their only approach is to call people crackpots who say it’s wrong. Well, this is again, this is parents from across the political spectrum, Republicans, independents, Democrats, parents all over Virginia standing up and saying, stop teaching my kids to hate one another. This is everything is viewed through a lens of race and therefore our kids are pitted against one another and given given excuses or actually trying to hold them back from living their living, the opportunity to dream the biggest dream they can. And that’s what I want Virginia to fully be exposed to is is a real curriculum. They will not teach critical race theory when I’m governor and our kids will be absolutely allowed and encouraged to run as fast as they can. And to have my opponent demean and dismiss parents and teachers all over Virginia again just represents how far he is into the left liberal progressive establishment and why he is so removed from what Virginians want, which is a new day, a new path forward.