Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX): Biden Sabotaged The Jobs Recovery With Proposed Tax Increases & Paying Workers More To Stay Home

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Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX), the top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to discuss the weak May jobs numbers, Biden’s push for a global tax hike and infrastructure talks.

Rep. Brady said,
“Yeah, there’s no question what President Biden inherited a very strong recovery from President Trump, a lifesaving vaccine, an economy that was reopening. But I mean, he sabotage the jobs recovery with his proposals on tax increases and paying workers more to stay home than to go back to work. April was a disaster. And May, as you said, you know, those jobs expectations were dumbed down because of April and he failed to even meet those lower expectations. And to put in perspective, you know, President Biden, in his first five months, we now have the first five months of his economic policies. He is he’s created a half a million jobs, fewer than President Trump did during his last five months. And many of those were during the height of the pandemic. So there’s no question Joe Biden’s policies, including multitrillion dollar stimulus, is actually working against the economy at this point.”