Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH): Fauci’s Been Around Since 1984, “A Fitting Year” For His “Nonsense”

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) explained why he’s introduced the “FIRED Act” which calls for the firing of Dr. Anthony Fauci, and commented on who the states what opened up early are doing better than states with mask mandates still in place.

“All I want is his resignation. I want his termination. We introduced the FIRED Act last week: “Fauci’s Incompetence Requires Early Dismissal. You say early dismissal. This guy’s work for the federal government in the same role since 1984. 1984, which is a fitting year for some of the nonsense he’s put out.”

“What was becoming obvious to everyone on the planet is, hey, Texas and Florida and Mississippi and Georgia and Tennessee, all these states that are opening up. Twenty nine states were open with no mandates anymore. Everybody still doing fine. And their numbers are going down. And they’re doing better than some states like Michigan and New York and California, where they’re still freaking out about how many masks to wear outside at a track meet.”