Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) : Britney Spears Is In “Indentured Servitude” To “Her Deadbeat Dad”

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) discussed whether he received a response from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler to have hearings about the conservatorship involving Britney Spears and her father. Rep. Gaetz (R-FL) also discussed the reason why President Biden has yet to have a press conference or a scheduled State Of The Union.

“I’ve gotten a response from Britney Spears’ father, but not Chairman Jerry Nadler. So I think he needs to hear from more Americans who want to see the issue of conservatorship abuse addressed by the United States Congress with at least a hearing to call him. Send him an email, give him a ring and let him know that you want him to do his part. In Congress, our powers are not limited to legislating and appropriating money. We have the power to convene around important issues of the day. It is a fact that there are many wards who never have the opportunity for a financial audit in their conservatorship. They never have an opportunity for a review of rehabilitation. I mean, Britney can’t vote, she can’t drive, she can’t get married. And you have to wonder whether or not her father is treating her this way because she’s not out there in an indentured servitude situation performing in Las Vegas so that he can bleed down her estate while she has no agency in life.”

“If you built tens of millions of dollars in wealth and then watched your father bleed it down to basically nothing, and then you had a second opportunity for a massive revenue stream and then the courts were just allowing him to do it again. Do you really think that you’d be up for that? I mean, it really is indentured servitude. ‘I’m A Slave 4 U’ is a song that was written well before the conservatorship, but it seems to apply to the current circumstance. And I don’t blame her. But think about this. She says she’s not going to perform and then because her dad is the conservator over her person now, she’s like in a residential locked up mental facility. That is really, really an unpleasant and grim outcome for someone who certainly has the right to have someone other than her deadbeat dad controlling her estate.”

“Joe Biden said to us himself that he was a transition candidate and that he would have a transition presidency, and you have to wonder whether or not the transition is beginning already with Democrats in Congress calling for Biden to not have the sole authority on nuclear strikes, with Kamala Harris being encouraged to take more meetings with leaders from around the world and with Joe Biden clearly in some sort of a diminished state. Now, I’m not a health care expert, but you don’t have to be a physician to look at Joe Biden and know what’s going on, because a lot of us have kind of seen in our own families what happens when Grandpa starts go in one particular direction. There’s no other way to put it. And the fact that Joe Biden can’t even stand up and give a State of the Union address should tell America a lot. By now there should be a State of the Union that had been delivered and there’s not even one scheduled. And so my suspicion is they’re going to spike the football. Biden is going to say, I’ve rolled out this vaccine, we’re on the right path, there doesn’t need to be a State of the Union. And he’s just going to lean into ‘Sleepy Joe,’ start the day late, end it early, don’t try to make too many waves. And I worry that leads to this malaise in our country: Lockdowns, dependent on government, kind of a sad and shuttling-around President. It’s not the ambitious America that we got to experience under Donald Trump.”