Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) Questions The NBA’s Relationship With China

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Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) joined FOX News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to discuss Biden’s COVID relief bill and talk about the NBA’s cozy relationship with China.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn said,

“One of the things that happened a little bit back a few months back was that you had one of the coaches show support for the Hong Kong freedom fighters, the Chinese Communist Party and China TV, which had carried the NBA games in China, didn’t like this. So they suspended NBA from China TV. Now, all of a sudden, China TV has reached an agreement with the NBA and they are again carrying these games. Commissioner Silver from the NBA says that China is basketball obsessed. And what we’re trying to do is figure out what the agreement is between the NBA and China TV, because we know they censor you if there’s anything that is disparaging of the Chinese Communist Party. So is the NBA going to censor their coaches and players and staff if there’s anything said that China TV agrees or disagrees with or is the Chinese Communist Party disagrees with something? We’d like to know if Americans are going to face censorship. We’d also like to know what the financial arrangement is on this. We’d like to know if NBA licensed merchandise is going to continue to be made there in Xinjiang province where the genocide is being carried out against the uighurs. And as we have all learned, that the uighurs are used as slave labor in these factories that make a lot of the sporting goods product. We would also like to know what the involvement of Michael Ma is with this arrangement. The Ma family owns China TV. Jack Ma, the dad is the head of that. He’s in partnership, of course, in China TV with the Chinese Communist Party. So, you know, Guy, we’ve got questions. We want to see where this is going and want to see really what the what the participation is with the NBA and China TV.”