One of President Biden’s goals since entering office is getting schools to reopen for in-person learning. Since the beginning of March, schools have been shut down and online learning has taken a toll on many families mentally. The rise of student suicides in Las Vegas, NV particularly has pushed Clark County, the nation’s fifth largest school district to move forward with bringing back some of its students for in-person learning. Dr. Jesus Jara, the superintendent of Clark County, joins today’s FOX News Rundown to discuss the increase of student suicides, how his district has worked on identifying students at risk, his plans to reopen schools in his district and how the government can help with addressing mental health issues in schools and reopening schools safely.

The Coronavirus pandemic has now topped 100 million confirmed cases worldwide. President Biden is upping his efforts on his pledge for 100 million shots in his first 100 days, but the CDC director worries about the supply of the vaccines and the uneven distribution. Dr. Marty Makary, a Professor of Surgery and Health Policy at Johns Hopkins University and Fox News Medical Contributor, discuss the handling and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, the different Covid strains that are surfacing worldwide and the effectiveness of the current restrictions and lockdowns across the country.

Plus, commentary by FOX News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett.