Jesse Watters: Since Primary Biden “Went Far Left And Has Never Come Back”

Jesse Watters, Cohost of The Five and Host of Watters World spoke with Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson about the state of the 2020 race. Watters weighed in by saying,

“I guess the numbers with seniors are sore because of the COVID situation. And but, you know, he’s made up for it with Hispanics. I think he’s up 10 points with Hispanics to where, you know, Hillary had him beat by with Biden. And and young people are not turning out for Joe Biden. So, you know, there’s room there’s room for error there. But he has to have seniors. This is the effective thing with seniors. You really want to smear Biden. And it’s not a smear because it’s true, as radical left, because since he’s run in the primary, he went far left and has never come back.”

Listen To the Full Interview Below: