John Rich: We’re Up And Running In Nashville & We Did It The Right Way

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Fox Nation host and country music superstar John Rich explained how his business in Nashville followed the rules and was able to open up the right way with the help of the PPP program.

“It’s an interesting situation in Tennessee. We have a very conservative governor, but in Nashville, we have a very liberal mayor. And so the governor put out his specifications on the correct way to open up. But then, I think correctly so, let city by city also have what they think is best for their town. So we took all their rules and all their stipulations and geared up for it and did it by the book and opened our doors. And we’ve got customers again. Now it’s running at half-capacity and it’s a little strange, but people are are enjoying being able to order a Redneck Rivera and Coke and a barbecue sandwich and sit at a bar. It’s little normalcy coming back in.”

“We took that we took that hit, not knowing what was going to happen because there was no PPP. And we wanted to, number one, take care of our people. And number two, keep our workforce intact for whenever they do turn it back on. We’ve got all of our people because our people are handpicked and we feel like we got the best staff in Nashville. I know every single one of them and we wanted them to stick around. So when that PPP money came in, of course, then it starts kicking in, and now that we’re opening back up, our employees haven’t missed a lick. And I feel like as a business owner, we did it the right way.”