Guy Benson on the Hypocrisy of the Mainstream Media: “Hell Yes I Get Very Frustrated By The Double Standards…And Actually The Double Standards Help Trump”

House Republican leaders stood by President Trump on Tuesday in response to a Democratic resolution condemning his controversial tweets about four freshman lawmakers, alleging their outrage is “all about politics” and suggesting it’s being used to revive an impeachment push. The battle between Trump and congressional Democrats over his weekend tweets has become all-consuming, effectively putting other skirmishes — ranging from a bid to hold Trump Cabinet officials in contempt to feuding inside the Democratic caucus over those same freshman lawmakers’ conduct — on the backburner.

Democratic leaders are now preparing a resolution condemning Trump’s remarks for the House floor later Tuesday. And in a House Democratic Caucus meeting Tuesday morning, Speaker Nancy Pelosi made clear her support for the four freshmen amid these attacks — just days after she and Ocasio-Cortez were trading jabs in dueling media interviews.

Guy Benson sounds off on the hypocrisy of the left and the mainstream media!

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