Bring Back Country of Origin Labeling!
President Trump’s nominee for HHS Secretary RFK Jr., will face his confirmation hearing this week and here’s my plea to him if he makes it through!
I’m Tomi Lahren, find out next.
There has been discussion about banning certain dyes, additives and preservatives in our food, and rightfully so, but there’s another VERY OVERLOOKED aspect of our food supply that I want to shine some light on.
I’ve joined American ranchers in their plea for mandatory country of origin labeling on our beef products.
Yeah, as shocking as it sounds, unless you raise and butcher livestock yourself or purchase your beef from an independent rancher, you have NO IDEA where your beef is from.
Back in March 2016, the Department of Agriculture revoked regulations requiring imported meat products to be labeled with their country of origin.
We need to bring this requirement back!
We should care where your meat is coming from. This simple practice would allow our American ranchers to differentiate their product from the foreign meat imported at a cut rate.
President Trump has vowed to unleash America energy, let’s unleash American agriculture and American producers while we are at it!
RJK Jr., please help us in the fight to restore the American heartland!
I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at
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