Meet the Press MasterClass

President-Elect Trump sat down for his first major post-victory interview with “Meet the Press” and delivered a masterclass performance. 

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

President-Elect Donald Trump was on “Meet the Press” on Sunday and after watching all 47 minutes and 35 seconds of it, my takeaway was this, the media probably shouldn’t go into the LIVE bait business for the next 4 years because that BS of trying to get their “gotcha” moment ain’t working on Mr. 47!

Over and over again in that interview host Kristen Welker tried to derail our president elect.

Over and over again she tried to get her “moment” and she failed dismally. 

Donald Trump perfectly and appropriately fended her off and redirected back to what the AMERICAN PEOPLE care about. Gas, groceries, and deportations!

But media types like Kristen Welker must have been asleep on November 5th. Even after an epic victory for Donald Trump and COMMON SENSE, the folks in the media still try their darndest to divide, demonize, misrepresent and manipulate.

But as they are finding out, Donald Trump is too smart and too prepared to fall for their games. 

He knows his mandate from the American people and he refuses to be derailed or sidetracked by the media mobsters!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at

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