The 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, spoke to Brian Kilmeade about the state of the race with less than two weeks to go before Election Day. Trump said he will be voting early in Florida and also discussed former President Obama taking credit for the economy during his presidency, his mixed feelings on early voting, the economic threat BRICS nations pose to the U.S. dollar, the classified documents leak of U.S. intelligence on Israel’s potential strike on Iran, and the Russia-Ukraine war being a top priority if he is elected. Trump also previewed his upcoming interview with Joe Rogan.

Plus, Donald Trump’s prediction on the World Series between the New York Yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers.

Listen here to the full unedited interview

Rough transcript
Brian Kilmeade [00:00:00] Hi everyone. I’m Brian Kilmeade. Welcome back to the show. It’s my pleasure to bring back on to the Brian Kilmeade Show. The 45th president United States who wants to be the 47th President Donald Trump. Mr. President, how do you feel? With just 13 days to go?

Donald Trump [00:00:15] Can you believe it? First of all, all this time, all these years, all this work. But I feel very good. She’s taking the day off and she’s taking another day off. I don’t believe it. I’ve gone 52 days in a row. And another 13 days left. And I’m just leaving to make a big speech in North Carolina. And just I feel very good. If you look at the early voting, which you know as well as anybody, it’s looking very, very strong. I think it’s the people are voting for us at levels that no Republican has ever seen before.

Brian Kilmeade [00:00:49] Republicans tried to stay away from early voting you were unsure about, especially in 2020. Florida started voting. Are you going to vote early? Kind of set an example or do you want to set an example on voting day?

Donald Trump [00:01:00] Yeah, I’m very mixed on it. I mean, I’m okay with the Tuesday voting, which they like doing, Republicans like. And I’m also I say the main thing I say is vote. But ideally, I guess a lot of people would like to see early voting, you know, where you stand a little bit and I’m I’m okay either way but I and really I really.

Brian Kilmeade [00:01:19] When when the vice president is campaigning she’s doing town halls with Liz Cheney. She’s trying to get disinfected. I guess disenfranchized Republicans. Why do you think she’s doing these town halls with Liz Cheney?

Donald Trump [00:01:32] Liz Cheney had the biggest loss in the history of the United States Congress, losing by almost 40 points. Think of it, the biggest loss, because most people, when they’re down that much, if they’re in Congress, what they do is they resign before going through a humiliation like that. She is so bad. She was a war hawk like her father, a war hawk. He was the one that pushed Bush into the Middle East and spent $10 trillion. I mean, think of it, $10 trillion that we got. We got nothing but death. Everybody got death out of it. Loss and deaths. And Liz Cheney, it’s very interesting because here you have somebody that went into the Middle East and she’s trying to get this is the man who wanted to get strongly, wanted to get into the Middle East and kill the Arabs. And she’s trying to get Arab support. She’s got Liz Cheney, of all people. And Liz Cheney was at war. That’s why I never got along with us. You want to go to war with everybody, you know, big brave Liz Cheney. Let’s go. Let’s kill a lot of people. So disgraceful.

Brian Kilmeade [00:02:35] We know.

Donald Trump [00:02:35] That. I think it’s I think it’s a huge negative for her. By the way, for Kamala, as the expression goes.

Brian Kilmeade [00:02:41] Why is why do you think she’s not campaigning at all with President Biden? And what do you think that message is that?

Donald Trump [00:02:48] Well, I think she’s not campaigning at all. She’s off today and she’s off tomorrow or the next day. And I’ve gone 52 days in a row and we have 13 left and I won’t be taking off. I will not be taking off. But think of it, she’s off today and she’s going to be off tomorrow. This is not what we want for a president.

Brian Kilmeade [00:03:11] Well, when you talk about stuff that you’re doing, word is out that you’re going to sit down with the number one podcaster in the country, Joe Rogan. You’ve met him a couple of times. Why is this the right time to do the interview? It’s going to go about three hours. That’s a huge commitment with a guy with everything’s everything’s in play.

Donald Trump [00:03:31] Well, I don’t know. I think. They talked about doing it. And I don’t know, we talked about it for a long time. And I think he’s a nice guy. I’ve met him a couple of times at the fights and I don’t know, it’s that just seems something to do. It’s no real strategy there, Brian. I do it and I do a lot of I do a lot of shows good, bad or indifferent. I do a lot of shows and they come out good. We’re leading. We we won the Republican nomination in a record time and it was the fastest anyone’s ever won it. And we were doing very well. Now we’re up in the polls against this woman who’s I you know, and I say it loudly, she’s a low IQ person. We’ve had a low IQ person for the last four years. We cannot afford to have it any longer. And it’s sort of it’s amazing when you have 13 days left that somebody takes off and you’re talking about the presidency. That’s not what we want.

Brian Kilmeade [00:04:28] When you are.

Donald Trump [00:04:29] You. And as far as Rogan’s goes, you know, I enjoy I don’t get to listen to much. I don’t have a lot of time to sit down and listen, but I think it might be very interesting.

Brian Kilmeade [00:04:40] I think he’s fantastic. I know they can go wrong. And the one thing we have in common, I did the first few weeks with Jim Brown when no one knew what it was, and Joe Rogan name helped make it, along with Dana White, one of the most successful franchises in the world. I want to buy something in New York that you can relate to, and that’s Danny Penny. This hero Marine, in my view, sees a problem on a on a subway car and used his training to to subdue Jordan, nearly sadly, maybe due to some drugs in his system. We don’t know. He loses his life Now he’s on trial. At stake, his freedom, maybe 15 years in prison. Your take on what he’s going through and what would you like to see happen?

Donald Trump [00:05:23] Well, I guess you have to look at the also the record of the other gentlemen. We’re talking about like 30 or 35 arrests or something like that. It was rough. You’re going to have to hear from the people in the subway because they were very, very scared. They they were, from what I understand, very scared. And I’d have to look at it a little more detail. But it sounded to me like he was very aggressive in the subway. They were afraid for their lives. And I assume they have some of those people testifying. So we’d have to take a look at that. But it’s it’s an awfully tough case. I think.

Brian Kilmeade [00:05:59] For example, the crime in the subway, I mean, there’s always been crime in the subway in New York, especially in the 70s and 80s. But it is dangerous now. And as good Samaritans standing up and and now he’s on trial when almost nobody else in New York, aside from you, is the other thing that comes to mind is you’re going to be at Madison Square Garden. Now October 27th is going to be Sunday. Already were reservations. You were a sold out. Is this because the you look at as the perfect way to culminate three campaigns?

Donald Trump [00:06:29] Well, I didn’t think of it that way. We’re really looking to win New York if we can. We think there’s a chance of winning New York. First time since a long time. Many, many decades. And we think there’s a real chance with what’s going on with the migrants taking over the city, taking over the whole state. Frankly, if you look around, they’re all over the states and a lot of crime crimes at an all time high. You would think we’d do very well in New York. And so it’s the New York, but it is it’s also, you know, MSG is Madison Square Garden, if you like guys like you and I, that means a lot. Those words. Madison Square Garden, right? Don’t you think so?

Brian Kilmeade [00:07:05] And Sid Rosenberg coming up to speak first. That’s going to be great.

Donald Trump [00:07:08] Yeah, we’re going to have we’re going to have a good time. I think we’re going to have a great time. And it is in a certain way. I didn’t do it for that reason. I did it because it’s it’s a very big step. And, you know, we sold it out in three hours. It was totally sold out in three hours, which is pretty amazing when you think of it for politics. I don’t have a guitar, so when you can do it, when you can do that in three hours without a guitar, that’s pretty good. But there’s a great feeling, you know, we did great in 2016. We actually did much better in 2020, as you know, in terms of votes. And this one will be that there’s no comparison between the first two and this one. The level of enthusiasm. I think you see it to the level of enthusiasm for this is greater than anything I’ve ever done. Take a look at McDonald’s. I went to a McDonald’s. It’s become this. Incredible story. Google said it’s one of the most searched things they’ve ever had. It’s it’s pretty wild. So it’s all about the level of enthusiasm. We’ve never had anything like this one.

Brian Kilmeade [00:08:11] I want you to hear you talk about illegal immigration and migrants overrunning cities like we have 66,000 here right now. President Obama brought that up. He’s the surrogate who is doing work while the vice president does perhaps other things or interviews. I want you to hear what he said. And the reason some people think, wow, I don’t know. I remember that economy when he first came in being pretty good. Yeah, it was pretty good.

Donald Trump [00:08:36] Because it was my economy.

Brian Kilmeade [00:08:39] So we’ll talk about the the illegal immigrants, what he said. But for there on the economy, is that why your economy did good Because you inherited Obama’s?

Donald Trump [00:08:48] No, we had a whole different thing, a whole different philosophy. My economy did good because I got the tax cuts. I got the greatest tax cuts in the history of our country. And that’s what really spurred our economy. We had the best job numbers of any of anybody. We had the best I had the best economy in history and in the history of our country.

Brian Kilmeade [00:09:06] Does he deserve credit?

Donald Trump [00:09:07] Look at it. Yeah, I think I get credit for it. I do. I get credit for that. I get credit for the military. I get credit for not having gotten into a war. Right. You know, a lot of people thought I’d be in a war in 24 hours and we had peace through strength. So I did take over a mess that they left me with and defeated them in rapid and rapid time. You know, we really did. I rebuilt the military.

Brian Kilmeade [00:09:31] So you think about the likely characterizing your success, Mr. President. Do you think that he is.

Donald Trump [00:09:35] But he doesn’t he doesn’t characterize anything that’s that’s proper. I mean, what he what he does, he’ll say anything. Anything that comes to mind as long as it’s positive for him. Yeah. I mean, what he did, what he did to Biden was pretty incredible. I watched the way he let him off the stage. And I will say what he did to Biden was I think it was really terrible. So like it was terrible. They sabotage. But whether you like Biden or not, he won the nomination and then they took it away from him. And there’s never been a time there’s never been a time where that’s happened.

Brian Kilmeade [00:10:09] So I want to talk about what happened in foreign policy. Right now, Russia is hosting this BRICS summit. It includes China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Russia, obviously UAE, Ethiopia, Iran. Together, they represent 20% of the world economy, 43% of the world’s population. Is that a threat to the G7? And are you calling on our allies like India and UAE to drop out of it and Turkey to stay out of it?

Donald Trump [00:10:34] I’m not calling on anything. I think it’s a threat. It’s always a threat. But the reason that threat is there is because Biden and Kamala are so pathetic as leaders. They’re the worst administration in the history of our country. Jimmy Carter looks brilliant by comparison. I mean, they are the worst. There’s never been anything like this administration. They are incompetent. They don’t know what they’re doing and will end up in World War three over these people. So, I mean, I don’t you know, I’m just blaming them because, frankly, if we had a real president, if we had a president that knew what he was doing and a vice president, that could help. And she’s worse than him. She’s worse than him. I really believe that. I think she’ll be actually worse than him.

Brian Kilmeade [00:11:19] But you do look at BRICS as a threat, and that’s something you want to address because they want to get rid of the dollar. The dollar is Asian is what Russia wants to do.

Donald Trump [00:11:27] We you solve that as soon as I get it and I will solve it very strong and very nicely. And it won’t happen. There’s no way we get off the dollars. We get off the dollar. That’s like losing a world war. That would make us a third world country. Be losing the dollar. Losing that. The status of the dollar would be a loss almost of a world war. And it’s not going to happen if I’m president just said now, it would be nice if they could start today instead of January 20th. But you’re right, that is a threat to the dollar and it’s a threat militarily. That’s a big force you’re talking about before. There’s no reason for this. This should have never happened before.

Brian Kilmeade [00:12:09] I even premises. I know you believe in. There’s there’s indications, you’re right that Ukraine would never been invaded if you had won the second term. However, there is a war going on and you will inherit it if you win. And right now that’s been confirmed fighting for Russia, our North Korean soldiers and Chinese mercenaries. South Korea has indicated if North Korea is going to fight, will go. What do you do about this? And is one of the things releasing the restrictions on the weapons that we give Zelensky to actually hit the people before who are hitting you because right now they’re restricted? Your thoughts?

Donald Trump [00:12:47] Well, you know, you mentioned at the beginning, just a beginning of this question that, you know, I know it wouldn’t have happened. It would not have happened. And that’s the sad part. So many people are dead. So many people are killed, so many cities. I mean, almost most of them are just laying on their sides, broken up into smithereens. What a shame. Far more people died. Brian, as you know, you’ve like you say, that far more people died. And it’s a horrible thing. And I hate what happened.

Brian Kilmeade [00:13:16] But that is going to be your problem is to know what it’s going to be on the resolute. Whoever the president is, it’s going to be on the Resolute Desk top priority. What would you do about it will.

Donald Trump [00:13:25] Be it will be a top priority. And I’ll get both sides together, not try and knock something not substantive job. And I think I’ll be successful. But it was a lot easier before it started that I can tell you. And think of all the lives that were were just wasted, right?

Brian Kilmeade [00:13:42] Just it really was. It’s Vladimir elected war, Vladimir Putin’s elected war. And he basically lost his Navy to a bunch of drones that Zelensky. I think they’ve been brilliant in many ways, but now they’ve got their hands full. They’ve got two of the countries fighting against him. I wonder.

Donald Trump [00:13:59] Didn’t see that coming, by the way. You didn’t see that coming, Brian. You got other countries going and you have an incompetent president and you have an incompetent vice president. She’s more incompetent than he is.

Brian Kilmeade [00:14:10] I want you to hear what’s happening. Elise Slotkin, Democrat, Senator Casey, Democrat, are using you in their ads in a positive way. Listen, Tammy Baldwin got President Trump to sign her Made in America bill.

Speaker 3 [00:14:24] That’s why I wrote a law signed by President Trump forcing drug companies to show their actual prices. Casey bucked Biden to protect fracking, and he sided with Trump to end NAFTA and put tariffs on China to stop them from cheating.

Brian Kilmeade [00:14:37] Too. They deserve credit.

Donald Trump [00:14:40] Well, you got two others because you have in Ohio that’s happening. And there’s a couple of others, too. I guess it’s a compliment, but I just hope it doesn’t affect the race. I would imagine it’s probably a couple of it. No, they’re all saying that we were with Trump when the tariffs or at least tariffs are finally becoming popular. I’m not sure how you feel about it, but I will tell you, tariffs are going to make us rich again. Tariffs are the way to go. So my favorite word in the dictionary outside of love and religion, right?

Brian Kilmeade [00:15:10] Let’s move to Israel. Israel is has done the impossible. They’ve decapitated Hezbollah. They’ve released and located their financing and told the Lebanese where to find it. They also have all but wiped out all but one battalion of Hamas, including their leadership. And now they’ve all but promised and it’s expected they’re going to hit Iran. I know you talked to. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu over the weekend. Without giving away intelligence. I know you’re concerned about the leaking or the hacking, whatever it is. What would you say to them about what we say should be hit or not hit inside Iran?

Donald Trump [00:15:51] It’s sort of ironic the way you put that question, because you say without giving away intelligence, Brian, our intelligence or their intelligence has been totally leaked. That was a massive leak. And somebody is a real enemy to have done that. They’ve leaked the entire, you know, 70, whatever it is, different plans and versions of it to to the world. To the world. Think of it. How would you like to be Israel and wake up and find out that all of your various plans or to attack Iran have been leaked to the media and to the world? And this can only happen to this administration. This group of people is just so bad. And they think it comes out of the Department of Defense. But who knows, Right?

Brian Kilmeade [00:16:35] Do you think it’s a sentiment there’s a sentiment in this administration for Iran. And does things change when you come in if you win?

Donald Trump [00:16:43] We’re going to get everything straightened out. We’re going to get Russia and Ukraine settled up. We’re going to get them settled up. We’re going to work like hell. And I know you’d like to see that. And I know how you feel about it. And I fully understand how you feel about it. We’re going to try and get that settled up and stop. We got to stop the killing, the deaths, all that death and horrible, wasted death. It’s so sad to watch. You know, that whole culture has been taken down because those cities are knocked down to the ground for the most part outside of a few areas. It’s I mean, if you look at those cities, every single building is some of them magnificent, those magnificent golden towers that everything they’re all gone, blown to smithereens. And and far more people than anybody knows. Right. You’re going to find that out. But but I am going to sit down with them and I know both of them very well. And I’m going to try and get that thing done. I’m going to try and force a peace between them. And then with Israel, that’s actually in a certain way, you might say it’s more complicated, but maybe not as difficult. If you want to know the truth, it’s probably a more complicated situation, but maybe not as difficult.

Brian Kilmeade [00:17:49] But but if Iran is the.

Donald Trump [00:17:51] October 7th, you know, Brian, I think you would be believing this October 7th would have never happened. Iran was broke. They didn’t have money for Hezbollah. They didn’t have money for Hamas. They had no money. They had they were absolutely they would have made a deal. And I would I would have made a deal. That’s good. I want to make a deal that’s good for everybody. But we don’t want Iran to have a nuclear weapon.

Brian Kilmeade [00:18:14] But if you look at the war message, the Arab community, if you look at the Abraham Accords, there’s really no administration has done more. Maybe Jimmy Carter, when he brought Egypt to the table with and begging Anwar Sadat to bring the Arab world together with Israel, then you guys. So is that the message to Michigan?

Donald Trump [00:18:34] Well, I’ll tell you, the message to Michigan really is that if they would have gone with the accords, so we have the four countries, then we’re going to get a lot of countries. We’re going to get those countries back in there. The the Abraham Accords was one of the greatest things that maybe one of the greatest things, maybe the greatest that the Middle East has seen. It can easily be filled out. And I think it would have been filled out. And I even think there would have been issues at that time because Iran was not in a great negotiating position. And although I must say over the last four weeks, they’re not as good at negotiating position as they are, they would have been a long time before. It’s amazing what’s happened now. Had Israel listened to Biden, they would be waiting for a bomb to be dropped on their head right now.

Brian Kilmeade [00:19:21] There’s a theory that they.

Donald Trump [00:19:22] Would have listened. Yes.

Brian Kilmeade [00:19:24] There’s a theory that the prime minister, after meeting with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, said that if if Trump is not to win, things are going to change dramatically. So I have to win now. Do you believe he changed his strategy after he came to the U.S. and met with them and she did not show up for the joint session of Congress?

Donald Trump [00:19:43] Yeah, I don’t know. But he’s been pretty much on his own. He has not been listening to Biden. Biden wanted them to stop immediately fighting. And if he did, you literally would be waiting for that bomb to drop down on Israel. That’s probably what would have happened. And he’s in a very strong position right now. But with all of that being said, we’ll see what we can do in terms of getting peace. But he has really put himself. Bibi’s done a hell of a job of fighting, but he would not listen to Biden. He wouldn’t do it. He wouldn’t listen to Biden. Don’t forget, when they made the original, you know, when the United States made the deal. Right. They he came here. He was begging Obama and that time Obama and Biden, but basically Obama not to make the deal, a deal that I broke and a deal that it was a great thing that I broke it. You know, if I didn’t break that deal, the deal would be coming through right now. They’d be able to.

Brian Kilmeade [00:20:39] Evaporate it and it would end in ten years.

Donald Trump [00:20:42] So the biggest problem with that deal was very short term. Yep. You know, everyone said, I broke it. Of course I broke the deal. The thing would be coming due right now and they would have a clear path to do it. There was, in theory, nothing you could do about it. So it would have it would have been coming. Do right now is a very short term deal was a lousy deal. Whoever made that deal, which I know made it. But that was a very bad deal for the United States. It was a really bad deal for Israel and I terminated it. We’ll work on all these things, right? You know, they’re in flux because it’s like, what are you going to do? Well, what am I going to do today is going to be what am I going to do Tomorrow is going to be different, you know, because. Because things are changing rapidly. Yeah.

Brian Kilmeade [00:21:20] And right now you’re.

Donald Trump [00:21:21] Running as Ukraine. I’d love to end the war between Russia and Ukraine. I really think that we got to get that one ended. I’d love to see that ended. I thought it was it’s been badly handled by everybody, including Biden. I mean, the Biden when he what he was saying at the time, there’s no reason Russia would have gone in. We would they would have never gone in. And I hate to say that when.

Brian Kilmeade [00:21:46] You know, it’s been a disaster for Russia, too. They’ve lost 100,000 people. They’ve been isolated economically and falling apart. But just to bring it back, bring it back locally or actually to Israel real quick. They’re going to hit targets and it’s going to be in a matter of weeks that that missile system is there. They got the arrow, David’s sling, and they have the Iron Dome now that it’s in place. And Iran is basically hit 150, sent 150 rockets their way and is all but in bracing for it. What would you like to see them hit? The oil fields, the nuclear fields, The military bases?

Donald Trump [00:22:17] I don’t want to say because it puts me in a very bad position in terms of negotiating. But a lot of people would say, let me put it that way, that you hit the nuclear and you hit the oil. But I don’t want to be the one to say that because I don’t want to get involved. And I do speak to Bibi and I speak to a lot of people. And, you know, from a negotiating standpoint, if I’m going to be involved. But what people are saying now, Biden is saying the exact opposite Don’t hit the oil and don’t hit the nuclear. You know, he’s taking the opposite. I think, you know, in history, yeah. If over the last 40 years you went the exact opposite of Joe Biden, every single decision, the exact even even if you look at look at the World Trade Center, let’s not hit them. Right? Yeah. Let’s not hit Osama bin Laden. Yeah.

Brian Kilmeade [00:23:08] He said don’t take bin Laden.

Donald Trump [00:23:10] You if you would take the exact opposite of Biden every single time, you would have you would be one of the greatest foreign policy experts in this.

Brian Kilmeade [00:23:19] Part of the reason why they seem to have just kicked him to the curb. Doug Emhoff, I’m sure you did have a chance to see this, so maybe you did. They’re running, got so many ads. He’s got an ad out with Ben Stiller and Andy Cohen talking about the need to be a girl dad and stand up for abortion rights with the. And those rumors swirling around him. Should he be telling us how to be a girl, Dad?

Donald Trump [00:23:40] No, I don’t think so. I think it’s that good. I think that I think the whole group is not so good. This. This is not what our country needs. I hope that we’re going to have the the kind of results that we’re seeing in early voting. And the early voting has been extraordinary so far. I would say beyond our wildest expectation, if you look at North Carolina, you look at Georgia, I guess somebody one of the I think the Atlanta paper came out with about a five, 4 or 5 point spread already that we’re leading and we’re doing we seem to be doing very well in early voting, But who knows? We have to get it. You have to get it over the top. There’s great enthusiasm. We’ve never had hey, look, it’s my third time doing this and we’ve never we did incredible in 16. We did better in terms of voting by millions of votes. The second we’ve never had enthusiasm like now. And part of the reason is because they’ve been so bad. Which is so bad.

Brian Kilmeade [00:24:36] You know, you love competition. You like to break down the numbers out of the seven battleground states. What worries you the most?

Donald Trump [00:24:44] Cheating.

Brian Kilmeade [00:24:46] Which one, though? Which state?

Donald Trump [00:24:48] No. All of them. I mean, did they cheat? All of them. I mean, the biggest risk to me. I think we win it easily. I think I would have just campaigned at at 30% of what I’ve done. You know, I haven’t taken a day off in 52 days and now I have 13 and she’s sleeping today. And she’ll sleep by here tomorrow to go to sleep all day. She’s like Biden likes to sleep a lot. Well, no, I haven’t taken I haven’t taken days. I have not taken days off at all, nor should I. You know, this is the big thing. This is going to be make America great again. We can’t take a chance. Our country, if we don’t win this race, our country is in serious jeopardy.

Brian Kilmeade [00:25:27] What one sports question. But before I do that, this quote from Barack Obama. He wants you to believe, meaning Trump, if you elect him, he will round up whoever he wants, ship them out, and all our problems are going to be gone. When I hear Donald Trump talk, he’s very quick to say, Kamala, you’re the vice president. You had it for four years. He said, Dude, you were the president for four years. Why haven’t you done it? What’s your response to Obama?

Donald Trump [00:25:48] Well, I did do it. We had the strongest border in history. I built hundreds of miles of wall. I did do it. If you look at that famous chart, that now very famous chart, the lowest point that we’ve had. Right. Or virtually.

Brian Kilmeade [00:26:01] So why does he say this is the last day? Why is it what kind of attack plan is that then? Do you think like, you know, do you notice when he’s attacking you?

Donald Trump [00:26:09] I don’t care what he says. Look, I mean, the guy I thought he was a very divisive president, not a good president. And look at it. Look at the kinds of things Look at the mistakes they made when he was president. He was frankly compared to Biden. He was good compared to this group. He was good. But he was a very divisive president, not a good president at all. But when you say why didn’t Trump do it? I did do it. I built hundreds of miles of wall. I was going to build 200 more. They were all set to be put in place. And these people didn’t do it. And we had the best border write in history. And for him to say that is just pretty amazing. But that’s let him say no. But here’s the good news about Obama. Nobody listens to him.

Brian Kilmeade [00:26:52] So when you when I used to cover sports, they used to say, yeah, Donald Trump’s up there with George Steinbrenner, as usual, that you guys used to go when the Yankee heyday had good and bad days. You sit there and watch George Steinbrenner erupt or cheer. Very consequential guy. Now, your mutual friend Levine is right. Randy Levine is one of the things I try to get some inside information about the World Series. First one in New York since 2009. First time they met since 1981. Donald Trump, your prediction on the World Series seen on Fox. Game one. Game two will be out in Los Angeles. Your thoughts about how long it goes and who’s going to win?

Donald Trump [00:27:27] Well, I’m going to say the Yankees. You know, Randy is a great friend of mine, George. And the family is families, you know, made of a lot of terrific people. And so I have to go with the Yankees, of course, but we’ll see what happens. The Dodgers have a great team. You know, they have a great team. But the Yankees are hot with their bats. I would say they have maybe a little bit of an advantage. What are the odds on it, by the way? Who’s who’s favored to win? Similar.

Brian Kilmeade [00:27:53] That’s a great that’s a great question. I’m not a big betting guy. I would think the Dodgers might be the favorite with the better record overall. But the Yankees really coasted through the playoffs and and judge is beginning to hit a Dodgers are favored A -130. All right. We’re not we’re not betting people, are we? You know, betting.

Donald Trump [00:28:13] We don’t want to bet. But I’ll say the Yankees will win. Well, you and I will talk about it.

Brian Kilmeade [00:28:18] Will you go to a game?

Donald Trump [00:28:19] Hopefully they’ll have a good. I’d like to go. You know, the problem is, because of the security stuff, I don’t want to make it uncomfortable for everyone else. Yeah.

Brian Kilmeade [00:28:27] All right. Mr. President, I’d love to. Well, we our audience really appreciates the time, especially you’re in Omaha. You’re being heard in Omaha now. And there’s the electoral votes just waiting there. So over in Nebraska and.

Donald Trump [00:28:42] I love Omaha, and I really hope you’re going to give me that vote because I would go out there right now. And whether it’s going to be that important or not, it may be under a, you know, limited under a limited circumstance. It could be a very important vote. But I do great in Nebraska. I’d love to get that Omaha vote. You know, it’s a little bit segmented from the rest. I understand. And we had a row. They had a little bit of a rogue senator out there decided that he wanted to get a little free publicity. So he didn’t get that done. But that’s okay. I would love to get that. I would love to get that vote. And to the people of Omaha, please be nice to me.

Brian Kilmeade [00:29:22] Thank you. Yes. And you could vote early and set an example if you wanted to in Florida. That would be an interesting decision.

Donald Trump [00:29:29] Well, you know, it’s interesting. I really feel I’m very mixed. You know, I have the old standard of the Tuesday vote and all. A lot of people like to vote. And I really miss you know, the main thing to me is you’ve got to vote. You got to vote. Voting early, I guess, would be good. But you know, people. I’ll have different feelings about it. But the main thing is you got to get out. You got to vote. And I’ll be voting early. I’ll be running early.

Brian Kilmeade [00:29:54] That’s interesting. Great. And we’ll see if Elon Musk is doing that, too. He’s making sure everyone votes.

Donald Trump [00:29:59] Is he the greatest? He’s right now campaigning in Pennsylvania. While she’s sleeping, she’s sleeping and Elon is campaigning. Elon just busier than her to believe.

Brian Kilmeade [00:30:09] He’s half Henry Ford, half Edison and and half Benjamin Franklin.

Donald Trump [00:30:14] Whatever is unbelievable is unbelievable. Even even the StarLink. He got it for the sake of it. He got it for North Carolina’s StarLink, where they had no communications. People were dying over no communication, and he got it to them right away at my request. He’s amazing, that guy. So. Well, it’s nice to have him on my side. Brian, do you agree?

Brian Kilmeade [00:30:35] I agree. He’s got good cars and good spacecraft and he doesn’t waste anything. They land in tact.

Donald Trump [00:30:42] Right? They land. I’ve never seen anything like it is really something. Great. Thanks a lot.

Brian Kilmeade [00:30:47] Best of luck Sunday and best of luck in North Carolina. Those people need a lot of help. Mr. President, thanks so much for your time. Best of luck.

Donald Trump [00:30:54] Thanks for you doing a great job. Thank you very much. You got it.

Brian Kilmeade [00:30:57] All right. Used in the Brian Kilmeade Show. We are back in a moment.