Deadspin Defamation Lawsuit Will Move Forward

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

Last year, Deadspin sports writer Carron Phillips accused a 9-year-old Chief’s fan of racism for his face paint and Native headdress. 

He wrote and published an article with the headline, “The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress,” “They’re doubling up on the racism,” a subhead reads. 

The little boy was wearing Chief’s themed face paint and as for the headdress, come to find out, he actually has Native American heritage. 

Even so, the boy and his family were subjected to relentless public ridicule, hate messages and death threats over it and decided to file a defamation lawsuit against the sports website over the article. 

 Deadspin wanted the courts to throw that lawsuit out, claiming since it was an opinion piece the outlet couldn’t be held liable. 

Well too bad, because this week Superior Court Judge Sean Lugg, denied Deadspin’s motion to dismiss and the lawsuit will move forward. 

The judge noted that “Deadspin published an image of a child displaying his passionate fandom as a backdrop for its critique of the NFL’s diversity efforts and, in its description of the child, crossed the fine line protecting its speech from defamation claims.”

Deadspin is finding out the hard way that when you cry racism, you better have your facts straight!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at