Sen. Ted Cruz on His Crucial 2024 Senate Campaign: “This Is a Serious Fight… I Need Your Help”

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), author of Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism, joined the show to discuss his heated Senate race in Texas, where Democrat megadonors plan to pour over $100 million into defeating him this November. Cruz discussed why his opponent, Colin Allred, is a Nancy Pelosi ally who’s image as a moderate is a façade. Cruz highlighted the critical importance of his victory to maintain Republican control of the Senate. Benson and Cruz also touched on the grotesque attack by Colin Allred on a mother who’s daughter was killed by an illegal immigrant due to Biden’s failed border policies. Cruz emphasized the importance of every large and small donation in order to defeat the radical left in his Senate race, and you can listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

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Cruz had this to say on the importance of his 2024 Senate race against Colin Allred:

“This race in Texas is a real race. This is a serious fight… the Democrats plan on spending more than 100 million dollars into my race… (Colin Allred) is an extreme left wing congressman in Congress. He voted the first four years in Congress. He voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time. Literally every single vote, whatever Nancy Pelosi did, that’s exactly what call it, all red. Did that mean he’s voted for open borders over and over and over again? He’s voted for higher taxes over and over and over again.”

Read the full (autogenerated) transcript below:


GUY BENSON: Well, joining us now is U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Republican from this great state. He’s up for reelection this cycle. Senator, welcome back to the show.


SEN. CRUZ: Great to be with you. Thanks for having me.


GUY BENSON: You bet. So I have seen some of the polling out of your race in recent days and see the Democrats pretty excited about 1 or 2 surveys that show it’s up one point or three points. It’s close. And some other polls have you up more comfortably in the mid-single digits. What is your read right now inside 40 days until Election Day about how this campaign is shaking out?


SEN. CRUZ: Well, this race in Texas is a real race. It is a serious fight. Chuck Schumer has been explicit. My is number one target in the country. The Democrats plan to spend more than $100 million trying to defeat me in this race. They are flooding the airwaves with cash. Chuck Schumer and George Soros are pouring millions and millions of dollars into the race. My last race, you’ll remember, six years ago. At the time, it was the most expensive Senate race in U.S. history. We were outspent 3 to 1, and the result was I barely won. I won by less than three points. The margin was 2.6%. This time around, we have had multiple polls in the last three weeks. We’ve had two polls that show it as a two point race, one that shows it is a three point race, one that shows that is a four point race. And we had one poll last week that shows me losing the Democrat call it all red ahead by a point. This is a serious fight. And it’s such a serious fight that this morning Chuck Schumer and the Democrats announced they were pouring millions of dollars more into Texas to try to flip Texas, because if they flip Texas A, they beat me, which after Donald Trump. Every Democrat in the country is the person they want to beat most is me. But be flipping Texas also has the potential of keeping the Senate and control of the Democrats in control of Chuck Schumer and keeping their open border radical policies in place for the next four years.


GUY BENSON: Yeah. And I think in all likelihood, if they are able to beat you, I don’t think they will. But I don’t want to take any chances either because as you say, it’s a fight down here in Texas in this race and they’re spending gobs of money if they’re able to pick off your seat. It gets awfully difficult to imagine a Republican takeover of the U.S. Senate and God forbid the Democrats have the trifecta. I mean, we know what they want to do. They’re talking about it. We just heard from Kabul Harris, the other day. They want to blow up the filibuster and do a nine month abortion bill and God knows what else they might try Supreme Court, quote unquote, reform. I mean, the sky would be the limit for them if they were to maintain control of the Senate. When the House back when the presidency with no guardrails and no filibuster. And she has now endorsed that. So the stakes of these races are extremely high. And I’m sure your opponent and I’ve seen well, he doesn’t really talk very much, does he? Doesn’t do a lot of interviews. He’s definitely taking a page out of the Harris playbook there. But he’s at least trying to convince people in his ads that he’s this independent minded, free thinking, moderate person who wants to represent all of Texas or whatever. But you look at his ideology, Senator. You look at his voting record, that tells a different story, doesn’t it?


SEN. CRUZ: It does. His record, it all red record. He is an extreme left wing congressman in Congress. He voted the first four years in Congress. He voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time. Literally every single vote, whatever Nancy Pelosi did, that’s exactly what call it, all red. Did that mean he’s voted for open borders over and over and over again? He’s voted for higher taxes over and over and over again. He’s voted for trillions in spending. He’s voted for releasing violent criminals from jail over and over and over again. His record is hard left. But, you know, Guy, there’s a basic dynamic in national politics, which is conservatives win when they effectively articulate what we believe. Liberals win when they effectively upscale what they believe. And the reason for that is the country is fundamentally a center right country. Our ideas make sense and they work and the left wing ideas are a disaster. So you look at Colin already race. He is doing exactly what Kamala Harris is doing. He’s doing almost no events. He’s doing almost no press interviews. He’s doing almost no press conferences. In the last seven weeks. He’s done one press conference in that same time period. I’ve done 20 press conferences. What he is doing is hiding. And Joe Biden, they met along with Kamala Harris. They’re both hiding. And it’s for the same reasons they are hiding from their disastrous record. So, for example, let’s take open borders. He’s voted for open borders over and over and over again when it comes to the border wall. He’s voted against the border wall not once, not twice, but three separate times. If you think border security matters. All in all, Red says you are a racist. He refers to the border wall as that racist border wall, and he has pledged to personally tear down, quote, that racist border wall. Right now, today, already spending millions of dollars running ads with him standing in front of the thing he called that racist border wall.


GUY BENSON: Not tearing it down. Is he not tearing it down in the ad?


SEN. CRUZ: It is fundamentally deceptive. By the way, Harris is doing the same thing he makes millions of dollars with with video of Trump’s border wall. And so I got to say, look, for the Democrats, the corporate media is with them. They have hundreds of millions of dollars to lie. Which means we win when we effectively articulate the truth, When we lay out my record and his record, that’s when we win. And to do that takes money. It takes resources. So I want to ask your listeners. I need your help. I want to ask you to please go to Go to and give ten bucks or give 25 or 50 or 100. Or maybe you can even get 500 or 1000. Whatever you can give. You need to understand that Chuck Schumer and George Soros are flowing millions into Texas. They’re dominating the airwaves. We’re being outspent badly, which is why the polls are showing this is a one or a 2 or 3 point race. And so you’re going to right now and giving whatever you can. It makes an enormous difference because when you go to you give us the resources to counter the lies with truth. That’s the only way we win.


GUY BENSON: And I feel like when the Texas electorate gets to see in your ads that Collin already votes with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time, that takes real effort. You don’t accidentally fall into 100% compliance with Nancy Pelosi just out of nowhere. That is a concerted decision that he made. And I don’t think someone who is a 100% Nancy Pelosi acolyte can get elected statewide in Texas. If people know, that’s the fact and it is a fact. And to your point, you need the resources to get that out there, get that message in, because as you also said, Chuck Schumer and the DCC, they announced today that they are putting money into your race and putting money into Rick Scott’s race down in Florida. Those are really the only two close races of seats held by Republicans. They want to hedge. They are trying to expand the map because they have problems elsewhere. And that red wall has to hold. If Republicans are going to keep on track, in my opinion, to a majority in the next Congress. I want to ask you, Senator, about one of the things that your opponent said. He popped up out of this hole that he’s hiding in. And he was critical of you, but also very strangely by extension, almost explicitly critical of the mother of that poor little innocent girl who was assaulted and murdered by two illegal immigrants recently in your state. You have gotten to know that family. The mother is, of course, still grieving and angry and pushing for more border security because what happened to her daughter should have never happened. And Collin, already your opponent came out and said like you were exploiting this for political reasons and kind of said the same thing about the girl’s own mother. That is unconscionable to me.


SEN. CRUZ: But it really was it was grotesque that that you look at Joss Whedon, Joss Whedon, Hungry was this this beautiful 12 year old girl in Houston, Texas, my hometown. I’m in Houston right now. She was kidnaped. She was raped. She was murdered by two illegal aliens who Joe Biden and Kamala Harris they had in federal custody. They released them from federal custody. And they came straight to Houston and raped and murdered that little girl. And it is tragic. And the reason Jocelyn Unger was murdered is because of Kamala Harris. And call it all read, catch and release policies that when they apprehend illegal aliens, they let them go. If Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and colored all red had followed the law, if they had taken those murderers when they apprehended them and put them on a plane and sent them back to Venezuela, Goslett would still be alive. And so Jocelyn’s mom, I’ve gotten to know her well, Alexis. She is a young woman. She is living through the worst nightmare any parent can imagine. It is truly not only the horror of losing a child, but the horror of losing a child in a way that you know what your baby girl’s last hours on earth were like. And it I have sat in the living room with with Alexis and with Gosling’s grandfather, Kelvin. And just just I have cried with them at the horrors. And it’s so infuriating. It didn’t have to happen and call it all Red responded in a way that really takes your breath away, which is that he attacks the mother of the little girl who was raped and murdered. And I got to say, Jocelyn’s mom responded and she did not take kindly to to call at all denigrating her and suggesting that she’s playing politics. And she came back and said, look, I’m fighting for my daughter. I’m fighting for her legacy. I’m fighting for the baby girl that I still wish was here with me right now. And it really was astonishing to see that all red instinct is to go after an attack.


GUY BENSON: The mom that’s pretty sick and she gave it right back to him. She said along, I’m just going to paraphrase along these lines. She said she, meaning Josslyn, doesn’t have a voice anymore. So I’m her voice. So she took that extremely personally. What an incredibly awful thing for anyone to do, let alone someone who wants to represent her and the state of Texas in the United States Senate. That is Ted Cruz’s opponent calling. All right. In this race down here. Senator, I want to talk about the national political environment as well. You will have Donald Trump at the top of your ticket in Texas. Kamala Harris on the other side. She gave a speech yesterday about the economy, where she talked about her plans and. Virtually everyone who’s honest admits that there aren’t really many details, not too much meat on the bones here of these quote unquote plans that she’s talking about for her opportunity economy. Then she had something approaching an interview and had the trappings of an interview on MSNBC last night, which The New York Times even conceded had no real details or substance to it at all. What do you see when you consider Kamala Harris’s campaign right now on the economy and then her record because you served with her in the Senate? These seem like two completely different people that they’re trying to portray.


SEN. CRUZ: Well, her campaign is trying to gaslight the American people. We actually know exactly what her plan is. You know why? Because she’s in office right now. She is the incumbent. There’s something utterly bizarre that Kamala Harris, this campaign is trying to do. They’re trying to paint her as the change candidate and they are creating Donald J. Trump as the incumbent president. Well, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the incumbent administration. They are running the White House right now today. So you want to know her policies, everything that is happening today. That’s her policy. So what is their policy on the border? It is open borders. It is 11.5 million illegal immigrants coming into this country, the biggest illegal immigration in our nation’s history, an invasion. It is releasing murderers and rapists and child molesters. That’s her policy because she’s doing it right now. What is her policy on inflation? It is spending like crazy. It is borrowing like crazy. It is printing money like crazy. It is regulating the hell and attacking energy and oil and gas, all of which is driving up inflation. She is causing it. She is the cause of the inflation. What is her foreign policy? It is undermining our friends and allies and showing weakness in appeasement to our enemy. Her policy. Look for and Joe Biden inherited peace and prosperity when they came into office. That’s what we had. We now have two simultaneous wars. We have the biggest war in Europe since World War Two and the worst war in the Middle East in 50 years. And her policy is what the Biden-Harris White House is doing today, undermining Israel and effectively supporting Hamas by blowing hundreds of billions of dollars to the ayatollah who is funding Hamas. That is a disastrous policy. So, guys, no wonder she doesn’t want to defend that. By the way, everything I just said is also call it all Reds policy, because he’s voted for every single piece of that all along the way. And it’s why both of them are trying to pretend. What do you mean? No, I’m not. Not. But they have not. You know, I, I, you know, I like Sergeant Chilton Hogan’s Heroes. I see nothing. I know nothing.


GUY BENSON: All right. Let’s not talk about my record. Let’s not look backward. We need to look forward to turn the page and all this nonsense. She was even invited at the presidential debate on a few occasions to distinguish herself from Biden. Harris on a few of these big issues, and she declined to do so. So she wants to pretend that she’s different, but like, hey, what specifically do you think Biden has gotten wrong, that you’ve gotten wrong with him? What would you have done differently? And she does not have answers to those questions. She does, though, apparently have plans to go to the border, which it’s been like pulling teeth to get her there. She went to El Paso once as the border czar for about 20 minutes, saw zero migrants and got out. But here we are, weeks out from an election. And wouldn’t she know what, Senator? She’s going back to the border. She must care. She must be tough.


SEN. CRUZ: It is a strategy based on deception and dishonesty. For four years, she was the border czar. She didn’t go to the Rio Grande Valley. Once the Rio Grande Valley was the epicenter of this invasion, she refused to go. By the way, Joe Biden refused to go. I go to the southern border all the time. I frequently go out on midnight patrol with the Border Patrol agents. When you are there, when you see the suffering, when you see the dead bodies, when you see the children brutalized by human traffickers, when you see the women sexually assaulted by human traffickers, when you see the young people dying of fentanyl overdoses, you cannot defend this chaos. You cannot defend the red carpet that Kabila, Harris and Colin Allred have rolled out for terrorist Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists to come into this country. Di, We are today at the greatest risk of a terrorist attack that we have been on any day since September 11th, 2001. You can’t defend this. And so their strategy is pretend. Their record is the opposite of what it is. But the problem is the corporate media is fundamentally corrupt. So they will echo that false message. As a Republican, the only way you can communicate is using paid media, paid television, paid radio, mail, text, digital, all of which requires money. And it’s why it’s so important for your listeners to go to right now and make a contribution contribute what what can you contribute right now to stand up and stop this country from going over the edge of the cliff and whether it’s ten bucks or 25 or 50 or 100 or more. I’m telling you, we desperately need it. I’m not someone who cries wolf. This is a fight where we are facing millions flooding on the other side. And if we have the resources to communicate, we will win. But I’ll tell you that if we do not have the resources to communicate, we will lose. And so it all comes down to your listeners coming to right now and giving generously so that I can stand up and speak for you and fight for you.


GUY BENSON: Ted Cruz, U.S. senator from the great state of Texas. I’m doing the show here today and tomorrow, Senator. In cycle. Big race in this state. Good luck. We appreciate you coming on and we’ll talk soon.


SEN. CRUZ: Thanks my friend. God bless.