Comedian and actor Rob Schneider joins Fox Across America With guest host Paul Gleiser to shed light on the inspiration behind his new book, You Can Do It! Speak Your Mind, America.

You don’t have people swimming away from the United States. You have people swimming towards it. You don’t have people trying to climb over borders to get out. You have it climbing in. And that’s because of our free speech, it’s because of our great opportunity. And free speech is all speech is not the stuff that just you that you like. It has to be the bad stuff too, because that’s what creates that friction. You don’t get smooth from smooth. You get smooth from friction. And it’s that friction that does cause creativity. That does cause innovation. The fact that people can do say and can create and that’s very important in this great country. But it is an experiment in freedom and it is vital and it is critical that we continue this for our next generation. And that’s why I wrote the book. You can do it! Speak Your Mind, America, is because it is my attempt to get people to speak their mind. I have this actor who is a the son of an Academy Award winning actor, and he called me on the phone. He said, listen, I agree with everything you say and I want to be able to speak, but I’m afraid of losing work. And I said, you will lose work. If you do speak. However, you will risk more by not speaking. Just be judicious about it. I mean, don’t put it on Facebook because Facebook is captured. So, as you know, thank God we still have Twitter. Thank you, Elon Musk. But, you know, don’t tell the producer, don’t tell the streaming service people that you work with, but talk to the boom guy. Talk to the makeup lady, talk to the driver, talk to people. Talk to your friends. Talk to your neighbors. Talk to your family. And let them know that, you know, there’s a real threat here. And we cannot allow this great experiment of freedom to be the exception in world history. We want this to continue. For my little girls who are in second grade and sixth grade, to continue to enjoy this unbelievable experiment in freedom for all of Americans. And I hope that if you guys read my book, I hope it’ll inspire you.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else he discussed with Paul!