Arizona Republican Congressman Andy Biggs joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on how Vice President Kamala Harris is willing to take any policy position she believes will help propel the Democratic presidential ticket to victory in November.

“She’s speaking in tongues kind of, most of the time, so nobody can understand her. But she’s not speaking in code. That’s important to understand. There’s a distinction there. She’s not helping, and she has no policies, so she can’t help us. And she knows she has no policies. She said she knows she can’t help us and she’s just trying not to cackle and she’s trying not to wave her arms because when she starts doing that, she starts losing votes. But the reality is, every time anybody goes to the grocery store, I just gotten to D.C. last night. I went to the grocery store. I was going to the grocery store. I says, I get in because I’ve got to stock up for the week, right? So I go in and it’s like, I cannot believe that they’re talking 16 bucks for a few pieces of chicken here. I mean, it’s just insane. And that’s what people see.”

Jimmy and Rep. Biggs also talk about he lack of self-awareness Democrats like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have when it comes their rhetoric about former President Trump and the supposed threat he poses to the future of this country. To hear what else they discussed, listen to the podcast!