Senior editor at Reason, Robby Soave is on Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla to highlight how easy the debate moderators made the night for Kamala Harris.

We got not a single question for Kamala Harris about her knowledge of participation in the tremendous cover up of Joe Biden’s health. Because I got news for you, Jimmy. He didn’t just suddenly run down right before the debates. He was probably even seeing some cognitive decline some time before that. And right up until it was obvious and apparent to everyone in the world, Kamala Harris was pretending just like everyone else in the administration, that it was all fine. I would have thought maybe she’d get a question about that. Trump is still getting questions about January 6th and election stuff from last time that he’s answered a million times. And you don’t like his answer? I don’t like some of the answers. They’re fine, But we’ve done that so many times. We don’t even know what she thinks about the fundamental issues because she didn’t have to run a real campaign and they let her off the hook for that. “

Robby and Jimmy also discuss how the next debate should be done or if it should even happen at all. To hear everything they discussed, listen to the podcast!