Amazon Alexa for Kamala?

Amazon Alexa is caught red-handed favoring Kamala Harris over Donald Trump.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

It’s unfortunate it takes a viral video to hold big tech accountable for obvious bias, but it happened yet again. 

A video is circulating documenting an Alexa user asking the device for advice on who to vote for. 

And perhaps unsurprisingly, the disparity is astounding. 

When asked about voting for Donald Trump, the device refuses to comment on politics BUT when asked the same question about his opponent Kamala Harris, the device responds by listing Kamala’s accolades, most notably that she is a black woman. 

After FoxNews digital reached out to the company, they said this disparity was an error that they quickly corrected. 

Do you notice these “errors” only ever go one way? Ever heard of a liberal or a Democrat getting the shaft from one of these “errors?” Because I haven’t. 

This is so baked into everything it takes a user catching it and then posting it and then it going viral for any correction to take place.

Word to the wise. Taking your electoral guidance from Amazon Alexa is as helpful as getting it from “The View.!”

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at