Dr. Marcus Collins, Marketing Professor at The University of Michigan & best-selling author of “For the Culture: The Power Behind What We Buy, What We Do, and Who We Want to Be“, joined Brian Kilmeade to discuss how the strategy for political candidates and the way Americans will vote in 2024 is different than in years past. Collins explained how people will be voting based upon their ideological subscription, more so then about how they like or their connection with a candidate. Collins used the example of how during President George W. Bush’s days, the voting mentality was “I want to get a beer with that guy” and going further back citing JFK & Nixon as an example saying voters were turned off by Nixon at the time because he had a cold and didn’t come off looking well on TV compared to JFK. Looking at how recent Presidential campaigns used their own personal branding and marketing in their campaigns, Collins pointed to 2008 with Barack Obama running on hope and change, 2016 with Donald Trump wanting to get America back to its traditions with “Make America Great Again” and now 2024 with Kamala Harris looking to move forward, not going backwards but going forward.
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