Good Energy” co-author Dr. Casey Means joined Brian Kilmeade to discuss how Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump helped put a spotlight on our food epidemic. Dr. Means says RFK Jr. has been fighting this battle for decades and understands how the nexus of pharma, the ultra-processed food industry, industrial agriculture and government are keeping Americans sick.

Dr. Means also took issue with Time Magazine downplaying the dangers of ultra-processed foods. She explained how this is part of the mainstream media’s playbook for confusing people and make us question reality about our food. Part of that playbook, which according to Dr. Means the Time article does, is deny science and invoke social justice, to shut down the conversation by saying what are people going to eat if you take away ultra-processed food. The best way to fix the problem for poor communities access to healthier food is to change the policies making healthy food cheaper and educate people on the dangers of ultra-processed foods.
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