Bethany Mandel on the Need to Avoid Turning to Domestic Unrest in Israel: “Stop Playing by (Hamas’) Playbook”

Bethany Mandel, co-author of the bestselling book Stolen Youth and co-founder of the Substack RightBooks4Kids, joined The Guy Benson Show to discuss the devastating news of six more Jewish hostages, including an American citizen, being murdered by Hamas over the weekend. Guy asked Mandel about the current level of support for Netanyahu within Israel and the broader situation in the Middle East, focusing on Hamas’s objective to create unrest in the region and domestically within Israel, respectively. Listen to the full interview below!

Full interview:

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Mandel has this to say on the need for Israel to not play into the hands of Hamas in the outrage towards recent hostage murders:

“And (Hamas) knew that these executions, especially these six individuals, who were all very noted notable in Israel, these were six of the most famous hostages in the country. The execution of these six would spawn something really primal within Israeli society. And so that’s why they did it. And I’m seeing a lot of my friends saying stop playing by their playbook. You know what they wanted to do. Stop doing it. Mourn these deaths, be angry at Hamas, but stop turning this into an internal domestic dispute.”