Josh Kraushaar: 2024 May Be The “Closest Election… Since the 2000 Cliffhanger”

Josh Kraushaar, Fox News Radio Political Analyst and Editor In Chief at Jewish Insider, joined The Guy Benson Show to break down Trump’s new fundraising numbers and the latest polling between Trump and Harris as November approaches. They discussed how polling trends are beginning to shift in Trump’s favor and offered a preview of what to expect in the remainder of the race, including the September presidential debate between Harris and Trump. Listen to the full interview below!

Full interview:

Listen to the full podcast:

Kraushaar had this to say on how tight the 2024 presidential election is:

“It’s going to go down to the wire, we’re a divided country, and boy, I think I tweeted this out myself looking at the polling earlier today, but I think this may be the closest election we’re in for since the 2000 cliffhanger between George Bush and Al Gore. I think we really could be having a, long election night. And we’re going to be counting votes in the big swing states well after.”