Kamala’s “Headphone” Strategy

VP and presidential contender Kamala Harris appears to have a new press avoidance technique and it’s the most embarrassing one yet!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

It’s no secret that VP Kamala Harris and more-so, her campaign aides, will do anything to prevent Kamala from answering meaningful questions from the press. 

Late last week she finally sat down for a formal interview but had to do it on a friendly network with her emotional support running mate awkwardly by her side. 

But now the Kamala campaign is back to doing what it does best, evasion. 

I gotta hand it to the Kamala campaign, they are certainly creative with their tactics. 

The latest technique, headphones. 

The old, “I’m on an important phone call and can’t be bothered” schtick. 

In the now viral clip of Kamala exiting her vehicle before boarding Air Force 2,  she used old fashioned headphones for a reason and it’s not because she can’t afford air pods, it’s to make her “important phone call” more noticeable. 

This is the same ploy we’ve all used to avoid conversing with airplane row mates and the like but is it really an acceptable avoidance strategy for a PRESIDENTIAL candidate?! 

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com