Former Hawaii Congresswoman and Trump Transition Team member Tulsi Gabbard joins Fox Across America With guest host Kennedy to explain what prompted her to leave the Democratic Party and ultimately throw her support behind former President Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

“There have always been different voices within both parties neocons and neo libs and warmongers on the one hand, and others who were calling for restraint and calling for peace and recognizing that war should be the last resort. But what’s happened now is the Democrat Party has quite literally become the party of warmongers, in all that we’ve seen over the last few years. We have not seen a single Democrat, including Bernie Sanders, vote against any of this Ukraine war funding that has prolonged this war, that has stood in the way of any kind of peace treaty or negotiation to occur, and resulted in more loss of life and more devastation. The Democrat Party is the party of war. It is the party that stands against free speech that shows and says that if you don’t conform or comply, then we will come after you, as they have me and Bobby Kennedy and so many others. And conversely, you look at the Republican Party, there are still neocons in the Republican Party, but there is a growing number of voices within elected Republicans and Republicans across the country that I think are reflective of where most of the country is, irrespective of party, which is saying, hey, we don’t want to continue to be in a state of unnecessary wars of choice that undermine our national security and that come at a great cost on many levels, and that the fact that the Republican Party has become the big open tent party that welcomes people with different ideas, that welcomes people who are taking a stand for peace and against the military industrial complex says a whole lot about the direction the Republican Party is headed in. And Donald Trump has a foremost, role to play in taking credit for this change. And the Democratic Party, unfortunately, has gone in completely the opposite direction. They are owned and controlled by the military industrial complex, the very same people that President Eisenhower warned us against.”

To hear what else she talked about with Kennedy, check out the podcast!