Gavin Newsom’s Professional Selfie Man

California taxpayers are shelling out $200k for Gavin Newsom to have his picture taken. 

I kid you not!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

California taxpayers are on the hook for a lot of dumb things but this is the dumbest by far. 

Get this, California Governor Newsom’s office hired a British former war photographer who worked for George W Bush and Barack Obama, as his “director of photography.”

This vanity project comes with a $200,000 salary paid for by the taxpayers. 

Newsom’s office believes documenting all the work he’s doing for the people is worthy of this special photography but I’d imagine most taxpayers don’t share that sentiment. Not when they are already paying in arm and leg to scrape by in that godforsaken state as it is!

California is failing but don’t worry, your governor is getting his senior portraits taken at your expense so at least the dumpster fire will be shot in good lighting. 

The homeless and unaffordable capital of the US and your governor is taking vanity shots with a professional photog. 

Newsom is such a narcissistic clown. It’s no wonder his state is hemorrhaging residents!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at