Republican Strategist for Axiom Strategies Erin Perrine joins Fox Across America With guest host Paul Gleiser to give her take on how former President Trump can slow down Vice President Kamala Harris’ momentum and put the focus on her lack of media availability.

“I would be telling him and his team that they need to start working the refs a little more. And by that I mean working with the reporters that are sitting in Kamala’s press corps. They need to be getting them ginned up every day and telling them aren’t your bosses upset that you don’t get to ask a tough question, that you don’t get to ask any questions to Kamala right now? How are you supposed to do your job as a journalist if you can’t get even access to the person that you’re supposed to be covering? I would be having a conversation with those who are in the White House press corps, those who are traveling and covering the vice president exclusively, and those from the networks that are covering her on the campaign side to start pushing them to start covering what needs to be covered. And that would mean I would be doing on the record media calls, not only with the reporters that are traveling and covering Trump, but traveling and covering Biden and Harris. Because while they may not always be writing about Donald Trump, they will always be including him in what they’re writing. And this would allow you the opportunity to make sure that they can be like, yeah, we just got off a call with the Trump team. They’re giving us access, but you guys aren’t. It can help start a bit of a firestorm if you kind of, work with the press a little bit to show them and tell them, why aren’t you getting access? We’re giving it to you to not only to your Biden reporter, but your Harris reporter and your Trump reporter.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else they discussed!