GBS FROM AUSTRIA: Richard Grenell Joins the Show and Discusses 2024, EU Censorship, and if He’d Join the Trump Administration

Richard Grenell, former U.S. ambassador to Germany, former acting Director of National Intelligence, and Presidential envoy for Serbia-Kosovo negotiations, joined the Guy Benson Show today live from Vienna, Austria, with the EU-US Forum. Grenell and Benson engaged in a wide-ranging discussion covering the U.S. presidential election, comparing former President Trump with Vice President Kamala Harris, and how both are perceived on the world stage. They also explored the broader implications of China, Russia, Ukraine, and EU censorship on the United States and the upcoming election, touched on the RNC, and whether Grenell would accept a position in a potential Trump administration. Listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

Listen to the full podcast:

Grenell had this to say on the U.S’s role in ending the Russia-Ukraine war:

“I think this is going to be largely on the Europeans to come up with paying for and being the implementer. So what does that mean? They’re going to have to have forces. I don’t think I personally don’t think it should be through the UN. I don’t think America should be paying for this. I think the implementation of a peace agreement in Europe should be done by the Europeans.”