Co-host of “The Big Money Show” on Fox Business Taylor Riggs joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on the calculated strategy behind Vice President Kamala Harris’ decision to emulate former President Trump’s pledge to eliminate taxes on tips.

“We’re going to get tons of inflation data prints this week. But let’s remind ourselves, since January of 2021, inflation compounded, prices are still up more than 20%. That is, inflation is regressive, meaning it hits everyone, but it hits the lowest income consumer the most. So that’s why they talk about how we have to fight inflation. That is the number one priority, because those low income consumer working class, they already are living paycheck to paycheck. We don’t have money at the end of the month to set aside for a little bit something extra. So when our grocery and our gas and our insurance and our property taxes and our maintenance costs go up, we feel that the most. Right, because there’s no wiggle room. So that is showing you why that is a battle for the working class vote. I love how my colleague today called it political plagiarism. She just came out and did a political plagiarized and said, I’m going to take it. Now we can debate the economics of the policy. But sort of just from a political perspective, clearly it was popular. People are excited when Trump came out and did it. And so she’s like, okay, sure, I’ll do it. I think my big picture worry is like, okay, that’s one political idea I’ve seen. What are some of her other policies I’m desperate to learn about? She’s flip flopped. I just did a segment on our show first in 2019 and 2020. She wanted Medicare for all. Everyone gets it, no matter what. Is that still your stance now? Have you changed your idea? What are your policies? Because as a voter, I want to vote on policy and I haven’t seen anything from her, so I don’t know what she believes.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say to Rich!