Matt Mowers of the EU-US Forum: European Voters Are “Fed Up” With Leftist Policies

Matt Mowers, President of Valcour – Global Public Strategy, former Trump State Department official, and founding board member of the EU-US Forum, joined the Guy Benson Show today with Guy from Vienna, Austria. Mowers and Benson discussed the reasons for the founding of the EU-US Forum. As Mowers details, many of the far-left policies that are beginning to creep into mainstream US politics originated from the leftist policies of the European Union. In polling done by the forum, it was discovered that the vast majority of these leftist policies are not supported by ordinary people living under the rule of the governmental body. Benson and Mowers also discussed the Labour Party sweep in the United Kingdom, as well as the outlook on the elections going on in the US this November. Listen to the full interview between Matt and Guy below!

Full interview:

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Mowers had this to say on the European movement away from left wing parties and policies in the last EU election:

“You saw this big surge in support for conservative parties in the European Union elections and more dramatically, you actually saw a drop in support for many of the left wing policies that their parties, the Green Party, you know, they’re a new party which tries to claim its center left. But if you look at its policies, it’s, you know, borderline Marxism. These are the parties that lost support to conservative parties, and it just shows that, the voters in Europe are fed up with it.”