Finding Your Place In the World After Combat

August 7th marked National Purple Heart Day — a day where we honor the men and women who were wounded or lost lives their lives while valiantly serving in the military. For retired Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Gade, two-time Purple Heart Medal recipient, it’s a day to remember his brothers and sisters in combat who didn’t make it back from overseas and emphasize how important proper support is for veterans.

Today, Lt. Gade, who currently serves as an Advisory Council Member at America’s Warrior Partnership, joins Ben to discuss the two injuries that led to his Purple Hearts, including being hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and IED that led him to lose his leg. He opens about the difficult mental and physical transition he faced when entering civilian life and why his experience with the VA disability system led him to write his book, ‘Wounding Warriors: How Bad Policy Is Making Veterans,” detailing his experience with Veteran Affairs and their role in transitioning soldiers home.

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