Boundary Stone Partners Senior Vice President Emily Domenech joins Fox Across America With guest host Rich Zeoli to explain how the green energy policies the Biden administration has been touting for nearly four years are not actually doing much to improve the environment.

“I think we often get from the left this false choice where we have to either, you know, if you care about the climate, if you care about the environment, you have to be supportive of these, like high spend, heavy federal mandate. You know, the federal government is going to tell you what kind of car you can drive. And that’s just not what the data shows us emissions went down when Trump was president before. And I suspect that they will again, because we have an economy that can grow and innovate. Those are the best ways to reduce emissions, as if we build things here in America, instead of letting China or other countries build them who have no qualms polluting the environment. So so really returning to that, how do we how do we make the economy strong so people will build here is the best way to solve those environmental issues too.”

To hear what else Rich and Emily discussed, listen to the podcast!