GUY BENSON SHOW: Mark Schonwetter and the Mark Schonwetter Holocaust Education Foundation Share Their Mission of Holocaust Awareness

Today on the Guy Benson Show, Mark Schonwetter and the Mark Schonwetter Holocaust Education Foundation joined the show to share Mark’s harrowing story of surviving the holocaust by hiding in the woods in Poland with other families. In 2019, Mark’s two daughters, Ann and Isabella, founded the Mark Schonwetter Holocaust Education Foundation. The mission of the foundation is to create a world where all people are treated with kindness and respect by expanding and supporting Holocaust education worldwide. Listen to the full interview with Mark, Ann, and Isabella below!

Full Interview:

Listen to the full podcast:

Mark’s daughter, Isabella, had this to say on the importance of educating the youth in order to combat anti-Semitism:

“You know, we find and there’s been research that has been done if you teach about hatred at a younger age in, middle school and high school and you teach about anti-Semitism, the kids will have the tools and the knowledge to go forward onto the college campuses, to be able to fight against it and to use their knowledge to say, no, this is not correct and to stand up. So it’s really important that we get the funding and we get the education into the classrooms.”